
sERC20 takes full control when handling tax rates, there's no restrictions to the types of taxes you can have, there are however limits on the total round trip tax rate.


The buy tax threshold can be set as high as 35%, however the combination of the buy and sell tax thresholds can not exceed 35%.

The sell tax threshold can be set as high as 35%, however the combination of the buy and sell tax thresholds can not exceed 35%.

Round trip tax rates can not exceed 35%

Setting up taxes

    uint256[] memory buyTaxes = new uint256[](2);
    // Dev Tax
    buyTaxes[0] = 8;

    // Liq Tax
    buyTaxes[1] = 2;

    uint256[] memory sellTaxes = new uint256[](2);
    // Dev Tax
    sellTaxes[0] = 8;

    // Liq Tax
    sellTaxes[1] = 2;

    _sercSetTaxes(buyTaxes, true);
    _sercSetTaxes(sellTaxes, false);

Changing tax rates

The sERC20 contract does not implement any functionality to externally change your tax rates. This is because there are a wide variety of options available for taxing. To avoid restricting this customisability you are free to implement these methods yourself.


Single tax rate
    uint256[] memory buyTaxes = new uint256[](1);
    // Dev Tax
    buyTaxes[0] = 8;

    uint256[] memory sellTaxes = new uint256[](1);
    // Dev Tax
    sellTaxes[0] = 8;

    _sercSetTaxes(buyTaxes, true);
    _sercSetTaxes(sellTaxes, false);
function setBuyTax(uint256 buyDevTax)
    uint256[] memory buyTaxes = new uint256[](1);
    buyTaxes[0] = buyDevTax;

    // uint256[] taxes, bool isBuy
    _sercSetTaxes(buyTaxes, true);

function setSellTax(uint256 sellDevTax)
    uint256[] memory sellTaxes = new uint256[](1);
    sellTaxes[0] = sellDevTax;
    // uint256[] taxes, bool isBuy
    _sercSetTaxes(buyTaxes, false);
Multiple tax rates
    uint256[] memory buyTaxes = new uint256[](3);
    // Dev Tax
    buyTaxes[0] = 4;
    // Marketing Tax
    buyTaxes[1] = 4;

    // Liq Tax
    buyTaxes[2] = 2;

    uint256[] memory sellTaxes = new uint256[](3);
    // Dev Tax
    sellTaxes[0] = 8;
    // Marketing Tax
    sellTaxes[1] = 4;

    // Liq Tax
    sellTaxes[2] = 2;
    _sercSetTaxes(sellTaxes, false);
function setBuyTax(uint256 buyDevTax, uint256 buyMarketingTax, uint256 buyLiqTax)
    uint256[] memory buyTaxes = new uint256[](3);
    buyTaxes[0] = buyDevTax;
    buyTaxes[1] = buyMarketingTax;
    buyTaxes[2] = buyLiqTax;
    // uint256[] taxes, bool isBuy
    _sercSetTaxes(buyTaxes, true);

function setSellTax(uint256 sellDevTax, uint256 sellMarketingTax, uint256 sellLiqTax)
    uint256[] memory sellTaxes = new uint256[](3);
    sellTaxes[0] = sellDevTax;
    sellTaxes[1] = sellMarketingTax;
    sellTaxes[2] = sellLiqTax;

    // uint256[] taxes, bool isBuy
    _sercSetTaxes(sellTaxes, false);

Reading tax rates

The sERC20 contract exposes functions for reading the current tax rates. You should NEVER handle these yourself, always refer to our built in methods to maintain your sERC20 implementation integrity.

Buy taxes

Retrieve the array of buy taxes

// External usage
function sercBuyTax() public view returns (uint256[] memory)

// Internal usage
function _sercBuyTax() internal view returns (uint256[] memory)

Retrieve the total buy taxes

// External usage
function sercBuyTotalTax() public view returns (uint256)

// Internal usage
function _sercBuyTotalTax() internal view returns (uint256)
Sell taxes

Retrieve the array of sell taxes

// External usage
function sercSellTax() public view returns (uint256[] memory)

// Internal usage
function _sercSellTax() internal view returns (uint256[] memory)

Retrieve the total sell taxes

// External usage
function sercSellTotalTax() public view returns (uint256)

// Internal usage
function _sercSellTotalTax() internal view returns (uint256)

Remember! ALWAYS use our build in methods any time you access state that can be controlled by sERC20, doing otherwise compromises your implementation integrity.

Last updated